Christine Collin, Japanophile, graduated from INALCO is a specialist in Japanese culture.

She has been involved in international sales and intercultural strategy for 30 years.

She has worked in Japan and has led numerous missions between French and foreign organisations, particularly, Japanese entities.

BiZen Conseil helps you improve the skills and dexterity of your multicultural teams, with tailored training courses in International Management.


Communicating with Japanese


Management of a Multicultural Team


Business Partners

Communicating with Japanese

Benefit from a unique and balanced view from both inside and outside the Japanese perspective, through an International Management course designed by Christine Collin and Riho Sasaki.
Overcome the gap between you and your Japanese partners and colleagues by mastering the impact of cultural differences.


    • Acquiring pragmatic working methods to communicate with Japanese professionals.
    • Addressing the challenges you face in your business relationship with Japanese individuals.
    • Negotiating with Japanese counterparts.
    • Developing intercultural skills and soft skills.

Teaching Method

    • Inter-company training with 5 to 10 participants or E-learning / LMS: unlimited number of participants
    • Combination of presentations, exercises, and serious-games.
    • Participatory animation and collective intelligence.
    • Recognising and valuing participation: creating new performance.
    • Supporting change.

Achieve your learning goals with the BiZen Conseil method: Optimise the power of your brain.

Target Audience

    • Business executives
    • Employees


Customised training – 2 hours – 4 hours – 7 hours


    • In-person
    • On-line video conferencing
    • E-learning

(web platform or LMS)

Available on request

Evaluation Methods

    • Quiz
    • Evaluation questionnaire

Issuance of a training certificate and a completion certificate

Customised Program

(details available on request)

    1. Cultural intelligence and its impact on business.
    2. Foundations of Japanese society.
    3. Understanding Japanese communication style.
    4. Optimise your professional actions and communication with Japanese professionals: customised recommendations.

Assimilate the content of your professional training and engage positively with your Japanese partners and colleagues.

Management of a Multicultural Team

As expert trainers, we support your employees in their multicultural management challenges and the development of their soft skills.


    • Managing a multicultural team
    • Motivating a multicultural team
    • Organising activities for a multicultural team.
    • Developing the intercultural skills and soft skills of your multicultural team.
    • Improving your communication and professional relationships.
    • Practising inclusive management.

Teaching Method

    • Inter-company training with 5 to 10 participants or E-learning / LMS: unlimited number of participants
    • Combination of presentations, exercises, and serious-games.
    • Participatory animation and collective intelligence.
    • Recognising and valuing participation: creating new performance.
    • Supporting change.

Achieve your learning goals with the BiZen Conseil method: Optimize the power of your brain.

Assimilate the content and engage positively with your foreign partners.

Evaluation Methods

    • Quiz
    • Evaluation questionnaire

Issuance of a training certificate and a completion certificate

Customised Program

(details available on request)

    1. Interculturalism and management
    2. Foundations of the target society and its impact on your communication
    3. Understanding the management style (comparison of key cultural concepts between the home culture and the target culture).
    4. Optimize your professional activities and communication with foreign colleagues: customized recommendations

Target Audience

    • Business executives
    • Employees


Customised training – 2 hours – 4 hours – 7 hours


    • In-person
    • On-line video conferencing
    • E-learning

Available on request

Business partners

Optimise your professional interactions with JAPANESE, CHINESE and other international partners. Benefit from customised, specialist support to reinforce and sustain your business relationships. Understand the business culture and etiquette of your international and French partners for enhanced communications. Master cultural differences.


    • Improve communication with your counterparts.
    • Develop and maintain professional relationships with your foreign partners.
    • Avoid the risks of commercial failure.
    • Negotiate better with your foreign business partners
    • Understand and improve your cultural intelligence.

Teaching Method

    • Inter-company training with 5 to 10 participants or E-learning / LMS: unlimited number of participants
    • Combination of presentations, exercises, and serious-games.
    • Participatory animation and collective intelligence.
    • Recognising and valuing participation: creating new performance.
    • Supporting change.

Achieve your learning goals with the BiZen Conseil method: Optimize the power of your brain.

Target Audience

    • Business executives
    • Employees


Customised training – 2 hours – 4 hours – 7 hours


    • In-person
    • On-line video conferencing
    • E-learning

Available on request

Evaluation Methods

    • Quiz
    • Evaluation questionnaire

Issuance of a training certificate and a completion certificate

Customised Program

(details available on request)

    1. Interculturalism and management
    2. Foundations of the target society with an impact on negotiations.
    3. Understanding your partner’s communication style (Comparison of key cultural concepts between the home culture and the target culture).
    4. Negotiation techniques and counterpart’s profile.
    5. Optimise your professional actions and communication: customised recommendations.

Assimilate the content and engage positively with your foreign partners.